Special Events

Teaching Competition in Black Board Game 2014
At Mahasarakham University
7-8 February 2014

We have got the third place!  
89.4 out of 100 and behind the winner just 1 point!

Received the prize at Night Party

Being a service team for Black Board Game 2014
8 February 2014

Christmas Party 2013
It was held at Education Faculty.

I was an emcee!

Intramural sport of Education Faculty 2013!
We were in the fancy parade!
We all were wearing pajamas.

Telling stories to African university students 

Wai Kru Ceremony 2013
At the Faculty of Education

Received the certificate from the dean of the faculty as I got the GPAX 3.78

Enjoyed getting along with foreign friends from USA for two whole semesters!

We went to a natural resource center in new campus,
Mahasarakham University.

We were having a goo time at the volunteers' apartment.

They are my friends. The left is Ashley, and the right is Kayla, who are from Georgia, USA. 

Gilbert and Chase!
He is very kind and smart. I always ask him lots of grammar questions.!

We did it! Cookies! So yummy!

We had a luxurious dinner at a restaurant in downtown, Mahasarakham 

Chillax time at Sermthai Complex, the mall

This is Alex!
We're chit-chatting about this and that.

They looked happy. We had given them some souvenirs before they left for America.

They were learning some Thai from my friends and I.

We were having a small party at the apartment.

We were decorating Christmas' stuff!

Bethany, Gilbert , and Kayla

Attended volunteers' class! I really enjoyed all activities
 we have done together!

The last time before they left!  

Special Moment with some classmates!

3 year!

Joined AUCPESS conference 2013

Wai Kru Ceremony 2012
Received the certificate as I got GPAX 3.88

Joined the parade of Bun Nak Game 2012!

Being an MC of Christmas Night Party 2012

Education Day Exhibition/ Booth!

Wai Kru Ceremony 2011
Received the certificate as I got GPAX 3.89

Obtained a faculty badge!

Christmas Night Party 2012

Christmas Night Party 2011

Participated Santa Contest

Halloween Party 2011

Joined the parade 2010

Stand cheer competition

