
         All these certificates indicate that I have participated in many English camps. Teaching is my purpose! I have gained a number of things, for instance, I know how to cope with students in class and let me have a golden chance to practice teaching English. Likewise, I have got the highest GPAX score amid my classmates. Thus, I received three certificates three years in a row. I felt a great sense of pride as I studied so hard. Another thing is I joined voluntary camps. It made me patient with a really hard time. Finally, you are invited to have a look at the following certificates.

The GPAX was 3.78 (4th year)

The GPAX was 3.88 (3rd year)

The GPAX was 3.89 (2nd year)

I received 99 out of 100 points in the Midterm Examination of Preparatory English

I participated the English camp with volunteers.

Taking part in three voluntary camps in different places (15 days)

Stand cheer competition! The winner was my faculty.

Working with Kru Eng Club (English Teacher Club)

Attending many English camps as follows:
(Being a trainer)

Boy scout Camp 

