English Courses

           I have been studying English at Education Faculty, Mahasarakham University for nearly 5 years. I have attended a vast number of English classes, for instance, Simultaneous Translation, English Conversation Class, Discussion and report, Advanced English Grammar, and etc. I have gained many new things from those. Anyway, it is quite impossible to present all of my participation here! Therefore, I will just show you some of the photographs and videos I have collected since I was a freshman.

 In Discussion and Report Class, I was talking about "Going to university is better than getting a job after leaving a school." We had a group discussion! There were just four students in the class. It was such a small class ever.

Let's take a picture before ending the course!

I was trying to translate Thai into English simultaneously. 

This is my introduction video that I made when I was studying Basic Oral English.

Preparatory English Course 

I received 99 out of 100 points in the Midterm Examination of Preparatory English.
(When I was a freshman)

We are fabulous! This VDO is one of the foundation English 1 course's projects! 
We presented this VDO about Mahasarakham University.

English project! We were talking about studying abroad. We took it when we were freshmen.

These are VDOs about Energy saving . It belonged to Foundation English2 course that a group of students studying Foundation English II created for assignment. We were first year students from the faculty of Education, English major, Mahasarakham University.

Interviewed people with different jobs!

I was interviewing one of the volunteer teachers from America.

